The door at the end is locked from the other side and leads to the Sanctuary floor. The right-hand room contains two lootable sarcophagi, both trapped. The hallway to the northeast is trapped (move in scouting mode) and leads to the family crypts, infested with even more undead.The locked door to the side contains a House Doemenel book.

Straight ahead lies the wastewater reservoir, with several revenants, skeletons and ghouls, forming a sort of junction to the rest of the area. Osrya, Raedric VII's latest animancer, labors here in infamy, with the corridors of the waterworks littered with revenants. Accessed through the sewer with one fatigued character, this rather unhealthy area holds the keep's many secrets.The adjoining staircase leads straight back to the dungeons and the tombs of the Raedric family. The lower room contains the dining room and an exit to the siege platform, the highest level of the keep. To the southwest lies the common room with a lockable cabinet.Right next to the scriptorium entrance are the quarters of Nedmar, the head priest of the temple.The locked door in the room has a level 8 difficulty and can be opened to gain access to an exit straight into Lord Raedric's throne room. Loot it for a scrawled note pointing to a secret area in the chapel. To the northeast lies the scriptorium.Pass through the corridor to enter the temple area. Make sure to avoid priests in white robes. Take the eastern one if you want to explore the temple.The southern exit from this room leads to the battlements. By wearing them you can evade the patrols around the area by pretending to be a novice or using Resolve 12/Intellect 12/Intellect 13 to shoo them off (each excuse only works once). If accessing the area from the dungeons or the kitchen, you can loot the nearby chests for a set of Berathian robes. This is the area of the keep devoted to the worshippers of Berath, led by high priest Nedmar.You lose out on a bit of dialogue, but otherwise, bottlenecking the enemies in the doorway is a sure way to cheese the fight even on lower levels. If you have problems killing him in the open, due to the way his entire coterie just piles on you, consider setting up in his bedroom, sending out one of your own folks with a bow, then force-attacking (A) one of his men to draw them to that room. The personal quarters can be accessed via the dungeon or by passing through the throne room. To the southeast lie the personal quarters of the thayn, with his study and bedroom (and the remains of the late Yngrid).To the northwest lie the chambers of the guard, the dining room, and the kitchens. The ground level is centered around the great hall, entered via the main gates.Straight ahead, to the northeast, is Raedric's throne room. Entering from the front puts you in a rather poor position to reach Raedric and eliminate him. The area can be entered from either ground level or the dungeons (depositing you in the kitchens, from where you can also access the upper level and the temple useful for gaining intel before confronting Raedric).This route has you fighting guards versus the sewer route which features undead. Characters with a <5 Athletics will receive a hit to their fatigue level. Characters with 6+ Athletics can scale the wall unencumbered. Another way into the keep leads over an old, scalable wall to the northwest.Alternatively, if you're visiting Raedric's Hold later in the game, you might use Iverra's Diving Helmet to avoid the athletics skill check.But the character with the lowest athletics skill will get fatigue. After a character has bent the bars you can swim through the sewer to get to the dungeons interior. A character with 18 Might can bend the bars, or a prybar may be used without condition. Around the eastern side, however, lies a sewer grate leading into the dungeons.Cletlan and Nudwin guard the drawbridge leading into the keep (and have to be killed if you choose the violent route of confrontation). The exterior is roughly divided into two halves, the inner courtyard with battlements and the ground immediately outside the keep's walls.Although antiquated by modern standards, it's nonetheless a powerful presence on the northern frontier, shielding Raedric VII from those who would do him harm. This old keep has been the seat of House Raedric since the colonization of the Dyrwood by Aedyr.